Saturday, August 23, 2008

Heading west.

Leaving Lawton at the stroke of 1:15 PM

We are now headed west to Tx. Stopped to fill trailer tires with some air. Then onward to Tx. Taking pictures as we went. But I missed the sign That said “Welcome to Texas”. Chriss without complaining turned our big rig around and went back to get a picture of the WELCOME TO TEXAS sign. And of Course it was BIG. Interesting scenery and landscapes. Very FLAT and then all of a sudden it became hilly. The rocks and dirt have an interesting shade of red. Outside temp when we stopped was 107.7 F. and windy, like opening an oven door. In Memphis Tx. We passed a motel with a big sign out front stating that it was AMERICAN OWNED. We continued on the trail layed out for us by Mal and Evelyn, friends from Lawton, Ok enjoying the unique scenery along the way. For someone who has lived in NJ almost all of my life to see distant vistas of houses, and animals that appeared as tiny little toys was amazing. The terrain went from flat to hilly and then Chriss told me that we at 3400 feet elevation and I didn’t even realize we were gong up hill. But it still remained HOT never going below 95* F. We found our way to Dumas, Tx and the free campground with electric hookups. It is an overnight campground good only for 24 hours then each camper must leave. Kind of like a motel for campers. We are all parked side by side with electric hook us between us. There are about 15 – 20 Campers here, a family from Dallas is next to us, and we will all leave in the AM and all for free.

Tomorrow we will be heading through the northeast corner of NM on Route 87 to 64 and then into Colorado up Rte 25 to 160 and west toward. My hope now is to find a WiFi and get this sent…

Love, Mom(Carol) and Chriss

PS We have decided to go West to southern Utah to Bryce and Zion, Moab, and Mesa Verde. We have seen mountains and roads and want to see some typical western flavor scenery. So heading west on Rte 87 Out of Tx into New Mexico and pick up Rte 25 north into Colorado at Walsenburg we turn onto rte 160 go west to through Durango to Cortez and Mesa Verde Co. elevation 6200 ft.. Do you Think we will make it today ???

Friday, August 22, 2008

Had our rest... time to head west!

Hi all.

We are about to leave our friends the Nobis's in Ok after a wonderful visit, almost like home. Our route will be to Dumas, either Co. or NM or Tx not sure. Ev and Mal told us of a free RV Park. Hope to find it.

Then on to Rocky Mountain National Park and travel around that area for a while. Route 115 to 62 to 83 to 256 to 287 to 40 to 335 to 87/287 and we will be in a new time zone. I am quickly reading from our directions before we leave so I hope that I have all the roads in the list.

Today is true Ok. weather Hot and Windy with a nice blue ski. We will be enjoying to A/C in the motorhome for a while until we decide to go sight seeing..

I will try to keep up with the blog info but as I said it may not be every day. Hope all is well at home. Thank you Linda for taking care of my mail. Meg how are college plans going? Corinne I keep seeing sycamore trees even out in Ok. and it makes me think of you. How are our babies doing? Devin what is happening with your Boarder Patrol? Jessie we thought of you when we stopped at the Jessieville Church to get out of the rain. Melissa you would love the the night skies out here so many stars. Christina are you swimming a lot in the hot summer? Courtney we will go on a walk and a picnic with Jessie when I get home, I saw new playground equipment by the walking trails. Danielle how are you and what are you doing this summer? Nicholas a kiss and a hug for you. Are you being a good boy for Mom? I love you all and miss seeing you. Write to me and tell me what you are doing. Thanks Tom for keeping the blog going. Hi to Jen too. Hi Brian and Sharon what up with you are you still going to the lake when the weather is nice. And Hello to Jeff, how's life treating you? Anyway we will be leaving Lawton so I better get back into the motorhome or it may leave without me.

Love to all, Mom (Carol) and Chriss

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm [in] OK, you're OK.

Hello again from Oklahoma:

Although it has been raining on and off on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the sun shown brightly. We have really been enjoying the company of our Oklahoma friend, Daryl and Jennifer, (who bought our Triumph Rocket) and their son Josh and their parents Mal and Evelyn, who are full time travelers and have been giving us numerous points to improve our travels. We celebrated Jennifer's birthday while we were here by all having dinner at the Lone Star. Happy Birthday Jennifer… Tuesday, Mal and Evelyn took us grocery shopping at a Super Center Walmart to stock up to continue our trip in our motorhome which Daryl has kindly kept for us since May when we brought the Rocket to him. Yesterday they took us sight seeing to Wichita Mountain Wildife Preserve. We saw buffalo, long horn cattle, prairie dogs, a coyote in the distance and one ugly black worm like thing crawling up a wall. We also saw the most beautiful mountains of redish rock. I was fascinated because these mountains were so different than any I ever saw before. I asked in the Visitor Center and the lady said that these are the oldest mountains in both North and South America and are from eruptions and shifting plates of the earth. We saw a big dam at Lake Lawton. We also drove up (and down) Mt.Scott in Mal's four wheel drive pick up truck and climbed on the huge rocks to see some fantastic vistas. The pictures just don't do the scenery justice but that is the best I can do. We finished the day at Subway for a giant sub, mmm good. Back at Daryl & Jennifer's house we saw a slide show that they made of their trip to Lake Tahoe with on the Rocket that used to be ours. We saw pictures of our old friends from the Rocket Group of which Chriss and I were one of the original 4 members. There were hundreds of riders and Rockets that went to this gathering. It was really fun to see.

Today the sun is out and the air conditioning is on, temp returning to near or maybe over 100 degrees. I am doing some laundry to prepare for our return to our road trip, tonight or tomorrow. Retirement sure has it's benefits, Maybe today, Maybe tomorrow. Once we are on the road with our motorhome, it maybe difficult to find wi-fi. I am sure that there won't be access in state or national parks but we will try to find something. I will write daily but may not be able to send daily.

Love, to all Carol (Mom) and Chriss

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lawton, OK

Hello Family and Friends:

What a trip we had from Hot Springs Ar. To Lawton, Ok after checking out of the Arlington Hotel we went for breakfast at the little pancake house that we went to on Sat. After eating we left Hot Spring at 12:30 PM planning to go as far as Ada, OK before stopping for the night. Good trip but as we got to Ada Ok the skies looked cloudy. Between Chriss’s daughter Laura and my grandson Devin we were able to discover that there was rain coming to Ok. and that by Sun night and Monday morning there was a 70% chance of rain. So we decided to push on and kept going for Lawton. All the way we watched the weather in the distance as dark clouds sometimes in front of us and sometimes to our north side. We just kept going and arrive in Lawton at 12:30 AM 12 hours on the bike a record for us. We only stopped for gas two times and dinner at Sonic (a fast foot place). We pulled into Daryl’s drive and there was our motorhome all hooked up and waiting for us. The rain started as sprinkles on our face shield as we pulled into the drive and then the heavens opened up.
His parents Mal and Evelyn’s motorhome was parked right behind our motorhome and she stuck her head out of the window and handed us two breakfast bars and a cold water bottle and welcomed us to Ok. Such a nice welcome. We quickly made our bed up and went to bed - Very Tired.

Oklahoma has some very flat straight roads but is very dark at night. It rained all night here and is still raining now. We can see a state road from where we are parked and and the cars and pick up trucks that go by throw us a cascade of water. They say it was been very dry here and that water is rationed, so I guess they need this rain.

We plan to stay here for a few days. Daryl and Jennifer have been so kind to us and hoped we would stay for a while. Mal and Evelyn (Daryl’s Parents) were here when we brought our other bike down to Daryl last May. So it is really nice to visit with them. Jennifer’s birthday is tomorrow and they asked us to go out for dinner to celebrate. So those are our immediate plans. As long as we are here I have internet hook up but once we start traveling it may be difficult, so don’t worry if I don’t write every day.

Love to all, Carol & Chriss