Saturday, August 23, 2008

Heading west.

Leaving Lawton at the stroke of 1:15 PM

We are now headed west to Tx. Stopped to fill trailer tires with some air. Then onward to Tx. Taking pictures as we went. But I missed the sign That said “Welcome to Texas”. Chriss without complaining turned our big rig around and went back to get a picture of the WELCOME TO TEXAS sign. And of Course it was BIG. Interesting scenery and landscapes. Very FLAT and then all of a sudden it became hilly. The rocks and dirt have an interesting shade of red. Outside temp when we stopped was 107.7 F. and windy, like opening an oven door. In Memphis Tx. We passed a motel with a big sign out front stating that it was AMERICAN OWNED. We continued on the trail layed out for us by Mal and Evelyn, friends from Lawton, Ok enjoying the unique scenery along the way. For someone who has lived in NJ almost all of my life to see distant vistas of houses, and animals that appeared as tiny little toys was amazing. The terrain went from flat to hilly and then Chriss told me that we at 3400 feet elevation and I didn’t even realize we were gong up hill. But it still remained HOT never going below 95* F. We found our way to Dumas, Tx and the free campground with electric hookups. It is an overnight campground good only for 24 hours then each camper must leave. Kind of like a motel for campers. We are all parked side by side with electric hook us between us. There are about 15 – 20 Campers here, a family from Dallas is next to us, and we will all leave in the AM and all for free.

Tomorrow we will be heading through the northeast corner of NM on Route 87 to 64 and then into Colorado up Rte 25 to 160 and west toward. My hope now is to find a WiFi and get this sent…

Love, Mom(Carol) and Chriss

PS We have decided to go West to southern Utah to Bryce and Zion, Moab, and Mesa Verde. We have seen mountains and roads and want to see some typical western flavor scenery. So heading west on Rte 87 Out of Tx into New Mexico and pick up Rte 25 north into Colorado at Walsenburg we turn onto rte 160 go west to through Durango to Cortez and Mesa Verde Co. elevation 6200 ft.. Do you Think we will make it today ???

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