Friday, August 22, 2008

Had our rest... time to head west!

Hi all.

We are about to leave our friends the Nobis's in Ok after a wonderful visit, almost like home. Our route will be to Dumas, either Co. or NM or Tx not sure. Ev and Mal told us of a free RV Park. Hope to find it.

Then on to Rocky Mountain National Park and travel around that area for a while. Route 115 to 62 to 83 to 256 to 287 to 40 to 335 to 87/287 and we will be in a new time zone. I am quickly reading from our directions before we leave so I hope that I have all the roads in the list.

Today is true Ok. weather Hot and Windy with a nice blue ski. We will be enjoying to A/C in the motorhome for a while until we decide to go sight seeing..

I will try to keep up with the blog info but as I said it may not be every day. Hope all is well at home. Thank you Linda for taking care of my mail. Meg how are college plans going? Corinne I keep seeing sycamore trees even out in Ok. and it makes me think of you. How are our babies doing? Devin what is happening with your Boarder Patrol? Jessie we thought of you when we stopped at the Jessieville Church to get out of the rain. Melissa you would love the the night skies out here so many stars. Christina are you swimming a lot in the hot summer? Courtney we will go on a walk and a picnic with Jessie when I get home, I saw new playground equipment by the walking trails. Danielle how are you and what are you doing this summer? Nicholas a kiss and a hug for you. Are you being a good boy for Mom? I love you all and miss seeing you. Write to me and tell me what you are doing. Thanks Tom for keeping the blog going. Hi to Jen too. Hi Brian and Sharon what up with you are you still going to the lake when the weather is nice. And Hello to Jeff, how's life treating you? Anyway we will be leaving Lawton so I better get back into the motorhome or it may leave without me.

Love to all, Mom (Carol) and Chriss


ThomasHoff said...

Hi Nana... Christina here... I have been doing lots of swimming. We just had our last day of camp yesterday. I went swimming here every day. (but acutally... only on camp days, which was Tuesdays and Thursdays). I miss you too. Love, Christina.

ThomasHoff said...

Here is a picture of us to hold you over until you get back. Love, Christina.