Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm [in] OK, you're OK.

Hello again from Oklahoma:

Although it has been raining on and off on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the sun shown brightly. We have really been enjoying the company of our Oklahoma friend, Daryl and Jennifer, (who bought our Triumph Rocket) and their son Josh and their parents Mal and Evelyn, who are full time travelers and have been giving us numerous points to improve our travels. We celebrated Jennifer's birthday while we were here by all having dinner at the Lone Star. Happy Birthday Jennifer… Tuesday, Mal and Evelyn took us grocery shopping at a Super Center Walmart to stock up to continue our trip in our motorhome which Daryl has kindly kept for us since May when we brought the Rocket to him. Yesterday they took us sight seeing to Wichita Mountain Wildife Preserve. We saw buffalo, long horn cattle, prairie dogs, a coyote in the distance and one ugly black worm like thing crawling up a wall. We also saw the most beautiful mountains of redish rock. I was fascinated because these mountains were so different than any I ever saw before. I asked in the Visitor Center and the lady said that these are the oldest mountains in both North and South America and are from eruptions and shifting plates of the earth. We saw a big dam at Lake Lawton. We also drove up (and down) Mt.Scott in Mal's four wheel drive pick up truck and climbed on the huge rocks to see some fantastic vistas. The pictures just don't do the scenery justice but that is the best I can do. We finished the day at Subway for a giant sub, mmm good. Back at Daryl & Jennifer's house we saw a slide show that they made of their trip to Lake Tahoe with on the Rocket that used to be ours. We saw pictures of our old friends from the Rocket Group of which Chriss and I were one of the original 4 members. There were hundreds of riders and Rockets that went to this gathering. It was really fun to see.

Today the sun is out and the air conditioning is on, temp returning to near or maybe over 100 degrees. I am doing some laundry to prepare for our return to our road trip, tonight or tomorrow. Retirement sure has it's benefits, Maybe today, Maybe tomorrow. Once we are on the road with our motorhome, it maybe difficult to find wi-fi. I am sure that there won't be access in state or national parks but we will try to find something. I will write daily but may not be able to send daily.

Love, to all Carol (Mom) and Chriss

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