Saturday, August 9, 2008

Notes from the road 8/9

Hi all:

Late tonight so this will be short. We are packing to hit the road again tomorrow. This was a nice break and we met so many nice people and enjoyed the change of pace but now are anxious to return to our journey.
There were mountain bike races at the resort today and many well built young men and women participated. They had a spaghetti dinner that we were invited to for $7.00 a piece very nice and we walked over to the general store and had a chocolate shake for dessert. Oh those calories!!! There was also a square dance in the big hall but we had to pack and couldn’t participate this time.

There is no internet in our room I have to go to the main lobby to get this sent so I doubt it will go out tonight. But at least it is written.

Our plan tomorrow is to go back to Robbinsville and then to the Cherohala Skyway Route 143. The one thing that we want to see is a big Dam that every one has been talking about.I will take pictures and send them with this tomorrow. Got to run more details to follow.

Happy Trails, Carol & Chriss

It is now Sunday AM. I walked up a big hill and three flights of stairs to get to the HOT Spot in the lobby. Sorry no pics. Will send these tonight from a new hotel hopefully with wifi in the room. Weather is great. Storms in Arkansas but we aren't there yet and we are taking a southern route to avoid Knoxville and Nashville. Partially on Rte 30.
Love to all, Mom & Chriss

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