Saturday, August 9, 2008

Fontana Village, NC

Hello from Fontana Village, in NC. In the Great Smokey Mountains. How we got here is quite a story. We left Maggie Village today about 12:30 after an adequate free breakfast at the hotel, destination Smokey Mountains. The weather was very nice, not hot, as we traveled to the BRPky, but as we traveled to a higher elevation the temp dropped significantly and we stopped to put more clothes on, dressing by the side of the road.. No class… The Blue Ridge ended in a Cherokee Indian Reservation. All kinds of shops, junk yards and stuff.
(didn't stop) Followed our plan to head for the Cherohala Skyway.
Missed the turn but found ourselves on a very nice country road. That went on and on towards the town of Robbinsville didn't see any motels that would be by a restaurant so we continued on to a place that we saw had a nice lake (Lake Santeetlah) thinking that we could find a nice lake side motel or at least something better than we saw in Robbinsville. WRONG We finally found a country restaurant/ Inn that looked descent so we pulled in and after 5 hours on the bike we crawled off and Chriss went in. I should have known when I didn't see any cars in the parking lot. The place was closed owners on vacation but the couple that was working there said that about ½ hour up the road was a nice resort called Fontana Village and maybe they would have a room. Chriss and I looked at each other and said OK so they called and said they had a room left. We didn't ask how much but said hold it for us and off we went. Long ride on windy road from Tampoco NC to route 28 to Fontana Village. Surprisingly like Woodloch Pines but much more rustic. And the biggest surprise of all it was$89.00 per night. We were very happy have a very nice room and had dinner in the dining room, met a very nice couple from Fl. Who were eating at the table next to us, introduced themselves and we had a nice conversation. We decided to spend Saturday night here also. We needed the break and then we will move on. There is no phone service here in the mountains and the internet hot spot is up by the pool, so I am typing this in word and will send it later. Will take pictures of the place, to show you.
To be continued tomorrow….. Love, Mom and Chriss .

The trip so far - thru 8/8/2008 (click to see a larger image)

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