Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cherohala Skyway

Hello again:
A day like today makes me realize just how much I love fresh air, sunshine and nature. It was a beautiful sunny warm, not hot, clear day. I have been noticing many black butterflies in the fields where ever we go. They must be migrating by here and stopping at every wild flower possible. Not too many birds or other critters today. We were on the Cherohala Skyline almost all day it is Route 143 on the map. A nice windy newly paved road. The main difference between our landscape and NC is that when you view a mountain range in NJ you see a mountain.
When you view the same thing in NC you see 6 or 7 mountains gradually getting hazier in the distance. Makes the near mountains appear to stand out separately. Not easy to get on film but very interesting to see. The air is so different on the mountain. It is clear, fresh and feels like it contains more O2. It smells good, as you descend the hill it begins to smell moist and earthy more like is also cold on the mountain, I mean really cold and as you descent it gradually warms to HOT in the towns and valleys. Chriss bought me a shirt that says "The mountains are calling and I must go". Very appropriate.

We also met some very nice people today both at the Fontana Dam and on the road at a lookout spot. The Dam people were from NC and very happy to tell us some local folklore about the places we might visit. The lookout people were locals from TN out for a Sunday ride and also told us about Sweetwater, TN where we are tonight. there is a cave here with a large underground lake. They take people out in glass bottom boats onto the water to see fish and sights under the water. We will do that tomorrow. Then we have to make some time going west. We have finally gotten out of NC and are in TN at an Econolodge. We have done over 1000 miles but have not made much distance after leaving Luray. Too many interesting back roads. My world has few colors.... Blue and white sky, green trees, black road with yellow stripe but so pretty.

Our main stop today was at Fontana Dam. The largest dam in the east. I have not seen a dam of that nature before and it sure was big. On a beautiful lake with a very meandering shore line. Makes me really miss my kayak. The people at the tourist desk were retired volunteers and interesting to talk to. He was an engineer who worked there before he retired, then they full time RV for 5 years now they are volunteers.

I am so tired that it is hard to write sensibly. Fresh air, sunshine and activities really exhaust me. But we are really enjoying ourselves.
Love to all, Carol (Mom) and Chriss

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