Sunday, August 24, 2008

Notes from the parking lot - Dumas, TX

Hello again:

Well when it comes to progress westward, yesterday we made none! We had picked up a nail did get our trailer tire fixed and pick up a few things at Walmart but that was it. Actually we were very lucky to find a place to get it fixed. Our GPS’s gave us many suggestions but being Saturday afternoon they were all closed. We stopped by a Holiday Inn parking lot and I was able to pirate their internet and send my blog out. Please do not send the computer police. Then since I needed to stop at Walmart just down the street, that was our next stop and low and behold they had a tire and lube center. So while Chriss got the tire fixed by Tom, automobile service manager from Walmart in Dumas, Tx. I went shopping and he met me in the store when he was finished and said that at this time it was not a good idea to start out. So we decided to buy a nice steak and go back to our same camping area and have a nice dinner and start out the next day. There was a nice park area and a grill and picnic table so that is what we did. The camp area was full of RV’s and a man from Tx with a great memory and a large travel history talked for a long time about great places he had been in Co. and Tx. Wish we either had a recorder or a good memory because he went on for over and hour with very good intentions. By then it was dark and we crawled into our nest for the night. Today Sunday is a beautiful day outside temp in the 90’s with (as usual) a breeze. It is warm but tolerable. Right now Chriss is engineering a way to put up the inside antennae for the XM radio in the front window of the motorhome. We have more gadgets than we need. I wonder how the pioneers made it this far without an XM radio, a GPS, Cell Phones, laptop computer and blue rags. How did our forefathers do it? Anyway today’s news is more like notes from the parking lot than notes from the road, but it is all part of the ADVENTURE.. So be it.
More tomorrow.

Love, Mom (Carol) & Chriss

PS. Hurray the XM radio works, another Horstman engineering success.

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