Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blue Ridge Parkway - Asheville , NC

Hi Again:
We woke up at about 6:am to thunder lightening and RAIN. Went back to sleep very depressed. Woke up again about 8:30 to sun shine. Happy Day. We had a wonderful day. Got up repacked our three bags, showered dress and and had a very nice breakfast (FREE) supplied by the hotel and left at 11:30. Since the day was a surprise for us we decided to have some fun with it and throw plans to the wind. We headed toward The Blue Ridge Parkway back in NC.We rode some nice back roads and picked it up Spruce Run, NC Route 201. It was a fantastic ride nice wide sweeping turns and it was an extremely clear day with great panoramic views.
Quite warm in the valleys but nice and cool more like cold on the mountain. We rode to the top of Mount Mitchell 6800 feet up and had dinner at the restaurant overlooking the valley. Beautiful mountain ridges and had a great trout dinner. Talked to some natives and a few travelers like up. The restaurant wasn't crowded because the pkwy was closed on the other side of the restaurant and we all had to back track down the hill.. It seems there was a landslide early in the year and the road has been closed since. While on the parkway at one of the overlooks we talked to a bunch of Harley riders. After we ate be rode the rest of the way to the top of the Mitchell mountain just because we could. Then back on a road called Rte 80. It was like no other road I have ever been on with many switchbacks and twisties. Chriss really road well and we are home safe and sound. As we pulled into our Hotel a Quality Inn we ran into the Harley guys from up on the mountain. Surprise, Surprise they are staying in the same hotel. they had heard about Rte 80 and didn't want to ride on it. Now we are exhaused and ready to sleep.

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