Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blue Ridge Parkway - Maggie Vally, NC

Hi All:
Happy Anniversary to Linda and Jeff.
Each day has been a little different but still doing well on the bike, amen. Still exploring this area and enjoying the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Such a great motorcycle road and today had its own surprises. We got back on the BRP in Asheville, NC about 1 mile from our hotel, the sun was out but clouds were visible. After about 20 miles or so we pulled into an overlook area that already had three bikes in it . All young men on crotch rockets. One on a cell phone and the two others hovering over a bike. We stood aside for a few minutes then asked if we could help. Seems one of them had the bike a little too far over when he dismounted it he dropped it and broke off the clutch lever.
They were having a problem as they couldnt start it and then couldn't shift. Chriss helped them figure out a way around their problems and eventually after many futile tries to reach a motorcycle repair place from up in the mountains with poor cell conections, they pushed the bike to start it and started down the mountain the last we saw of them was going around the corner. We then left too and didn't see them anywhere on the road. Guess they made it.

We then continued on our ride. Met a few other people at overlook stops, one took a picture of us for us and we did the same for them.
Amazingly little traffic on the BRP after reading about the crowds I am surprised. We were still running from thunder storms but stayed dry today, very interesting cloud formations but although we saw some wet areas none of it landed on us. Tonight we ended up in Maggie Vally, NC on route 19. Had dinner in a local restaurant and tomorrow will peruse some of the local places including a motorcycle museum and the house that Maggie lived in. Seems to be a pretty historic town.
After dinner we came back to our hotel and used the hot tub which felt marvelous. We are going to turn in earlyl Love to all Carol & Chriss

Linda & Jeff - Happy Anniversary
Tom and Jen. - Thanks for the Blog, I will use it just too tired tonight to figure it out. Can you add this to it? We are in Asheville, NC tonight Brian and Sharon. Glad you enjoyed the pics.
Jan and Rick Enjoying your texts keep them coming Rob and Sandy I have electrical tape on my knees because the armor in my mc pants was rubbing a blister on my knees and some stranger gave us the tape. He he he....

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