Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Luray, VA

Hi again:
Another interesting day. The plan was. Get up early have a nice breakfast at a diner next door, go to Lauray Caverns take the 1 hour tour come back pack the bike and leave for parts unknown, ie. the
Skyline drive through the Shenandoah. Sounds good? Well this is what
actually happened, Mother Nature had other plans! Get up early dress go out to the bike and feel "a lot of moisture in the air" and a few rain drops. That is when we realized our plan wasn't going to work. So we looked at TV and saw that the rain was over a large area all the way to half way across North Carolina. So we quickly packed all of our stuff
on the bike and got on to go Instead of boogieing down the Skyline
drive where we would have gotten drenched and had no place to get out of the rain. We headed west directly to I-81 and out ran the rain all the way to Wytheville, Va almost to Tn. When we got dumped on. So we quickly got off of 81 and went to a gas station that had covering over the pumps and got out of the rain. Then we noticed an empty small pull through car wash in back of the convenience store with the gas
station. We quickly relocated there and checked Chriss's cell phone
weather info and waited for the storm to pass about 1/2 hour. Back on the road (81) and on to Bristol, Tn when we felt a couple of drops again. We pulled off and found a very nice clean Best Western and decided to call it home for the night. Supposed to rain tonight and the front desk man helped Chriss and I to get the bike up on the sidewalk under an overhang for the night. We are now wondering how we will get it out in the am but that problem is for another day. The manager also recommended a good Italian restaurant next door that also gave a discount to Best Western customers. Good Deal. We had a great Italian meal and a very nice waitress. So the day ends, more adventures tomorrow, and it looks like more rain for the next two days.
More tales from the road tomorrow,
Carol (Mom) & Chriss

Linda, How was your trip to the shore?
Jan, How was the craft fair?
Rob, Looking forward to seeing you?
Sharon, Happy Birthday
Tom, Sorry no pic.s from the Shenandoah yet. Got a couple. One of the small bear as he was leaving. will send later.

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