Monday, August 18, 2008

Lawton, OK

Hello Family and Friends:

What a trip we had from Hot Springs Ar. To Lawton, Ok after checking out of the Arlington Hotel we went for breakfast at the little pancake house that we went to on Sat. After eating we left Hot Spring at 12:30 PM planning to go as far as Ada, OK before stopping for the night. Good trip but as we got to Ada Ok the skies looked cloudy. Between Chriss’s daughter Laura and my grandson Devin we were able to discover that there was rain coming to Ok. and that by Sun night and Monday morning there was a 70% chance of rain. So we decided to push on and kept going for Lawton. All the way we watched the weather in the distance as dark clouds sometimes in front of us and sometimes to our north side. We just kept going and arrive in Lawton at 12:30 AM 12 hours on the bike a record for us. We only stopped for gas two times and dinner at Sonic (a fast foot place). We pulled into Daryl’s drive and there was our motorhome all hooked up and waiting for us. The rain started as sprinkles on our face shield as we pulled into the drive and then the heavens opened up.
His parents Mal and Evelyn’s motorhome was parked right behind our motorhome and she stuck her head out of the window and handed us two breakfast bars and a cold water bottle and welcomed us to Ok. Such a nice welcome. We quickly made our bed up and went to bed - Very Tired.

Oklahoma has some very flat straight roads but is very dark at night. It rained all night here and is still raining now. We can see a state road from where we are parked and and the cars and pick up trucks that go by throw us a cascade of water. They say it was been very dry here and that water is rationed, so I guess they need this rain.

We plan to stay here for a few days. Daryl and Jennifer have been so kind to us and hoped we would stay for a while. Mal and Evelyn (Daryl’s Parents) were here when we brought our other bike down to Daryl last May. So it is really nice to visit with them. Jennifer’s birthday is tomorrow and they asked us to go out for dinner to celebrate. So those are our immediate plans. As long as we are here I have internet hook up but once we start traveling it may be difficult, so don’t worry if I don’t write every day.

Love to all, Carol & Chriss

1 comment:

ThomasHoff said...

Hi Mom and Chriss. Glad to see you made it, safe and sound. I bet the past two weeks seem like a blur, but what an experience it's been. I've really enjoyed travelling by your side in cyberspace.

Love, Tom.