Friday, August 15, 2008

Hot Springs, AR

Happy Birthday Janet

Hello again from the road. We left Russellville, Ar about 12:30 after a nice free breakfast at the Holiday Inn. Our waitress was talking with us as she also was a motorcyclist. Seems her husband is a musician and will be playing in a band in Hot Springs Saturday evening and she invited us to go meet her there and listen to him play. We just may do that. So we exchanged phone #’s and who knows.

After packing up the bike in very cloudy weather we headed down Route 7 towards Hot Springs, Ar. Nice road and occasionally a few drops of rain on our shields. We made it most of the way and got out of the State Park before the heavens opened up and we got doused with a mighty rain storm.
But as luck would have it after a little while there was a church on that road in the town of Jessieville with a Roof over the entrance way that provided a wonderful escape from the rain for us and we waited about ½ hour until it ended and on we went into Hot Springs about 8 miles up the road. We rode through town and found the The Arlington Hotel that our waitress had recommended to us and now we are in our room and Chriss has set up his own private Chinese Laundry to dry our clothes. Won’t the maid be proud of us….

Time to go out exploring the area. Across the street was a nice park with a hot spring there waiting for us. People were around a small pool with a stone edge. The water temp was almost too hot to put your hand into. Some people were actually putting arms and hand into saying you got used to it. We just found it to be too hot. When we left there we went strolling up the street and found a little place on the second floor called the Exchange Café and had a catfish dinner, after that it was off to an ice cream internet store for dessert. Then back to the hotel Arlington for hopefully a good nights sleep. Since it is supposed to rain tomorrow also we will be here Saturday night too. Then leaving on Sunday for parts unknown but definitely west.

Our bike is parked and we will explore again tomorrow on foot.

From Beautiful Hot Springs Arkansas, Carol & Chriss

1 comment:

ThomasHoff said...

Hi Mom. It's Tom. You look like you're having a great time!