Thursday, August 14, 2008

Russellville, AR

Hello again:
Once again we are on the road and traveling west. Pretty scenery a flat at first then hills like NJ then back to curvy roads. The temp drops 10 degrees as we go into the mountains. Our interesting event was lunch today at a roadside restaurant called the Front Porch owned and operated by a lady who was a biker when her husband was alive. She was well into her 70's and operating a restaurant by herself. The food was good and $7.00 each for a hot buffet dinner with dessert and salad bar.
We are at a Holiday Inn tonight and too tired to go out for dinner so we had a large salad with grilled chicken here in our room and now we are ready to go to sleep. Will write more tomorrow. Our plan is to go to Hot Springs, Ar. in the morning if it doen't rain. However RAIN is predicted so we will see. We may be held up here for a while.
More tomorrow, good night for now,
Carol & Chriss

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