Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mesa Verde, Colorado

Notes from the Mountain at Mese Verde

Yesterday we met our neighbors next door Peg and Pete and their dog Willie from Colorado. They are about our age and not full time travelers like so many that we meet. They left this morning for the Grand Canyon. Even though they were next to us there was shrubs between our trailers so our site is quite private with a nice view of the mountains.

After returning to our trailer last night we sat outside under the stars again and if possible the sky was even brighter than when we were at the Dunes. So many stars and I saw the milkyway like I’d never seen before. It was so incredible our universe is so big. After a while we got cold and came into the camper the temp this morning was in the 40’s but the sun is warm.

We are all settled into our site and are presently at the Laundromat in the park washing eight bags of dirty clothes in four washers. Life does go on even on vacation. I was very happy we didn’t have to go down that long curvy mountain road to the local laundry. One of the nice things about traveling in a motorhome is that after doing our laundry we simply went to the parking lot and made lunch right there looking out at the mountains. Then we drove about 20 miles in the park up and down mountains and around amazing hair pin curves on a two lane road to Spruce Tree House one of the preserved cliff dwellings. This is an amazing thing to see. The pictures don’t do it justice. After walking down a winding half mile paved trail at the mountainside a beautiful cliff dwelling is visible built into the side of the mountain under a rock overhang. Contruction was done in the 1200’s by the native Indians.

There was a short slide show with narration giving a lot of information about the natives and their life style. The whole community was abandoned after a 23 year drought when they just moved on. It is amazing that this happened in this area that would become the USA all before 1492 when Columbus paid his first visit.

Anyway life on the Mesa continues and we will write more tomorrow.

Love to all, Mom (Carol) and Chriss

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent photography, ...Carol, ...I see a second career coming on! Hope you are having a blast! We moved in to the lake house as it looked lonely! Hurry home!
Love, Lisa, Rodney & Abby