Monday, August 25, 2008

Trinidad Lake Campground

Hello again:

Well today we finally started making progress again. We left Corral Campground (Temp 92)after a very nice stay and they even had WiFi for me. Got our tire fixed quickly at Dalhart Consumer Fuel in Dalhart, Tx by Migual whose brother George helped us out yesterday and told us to come back today, both very nice young men, friendly, and polite and prompt. Then off we went westward still very warm sunny weather. Very interesting terrain as we traveled from Texas to New Mexico. We saw mostly farm land planted in circles with watering equipment on wheels that circled within the field attached to a well in the center and these things were Huge! There were many grain silos for storing the crops and trains to transport the crops to sell. Those Texans are right everything here is BIG the fields, crops, the silos even the small towns had super wide main streets (five lanes in one town). While were enjoying the scenery in New Mexico we weren’t aware at how much we had climbed in altitude because the terrain appeared flat as far as we could see. To our amazement we were at 7030 ft at one point and except for some ear popping we didn’t even know it. We were higher in New Mexico at 7030 feet than we were in the mountains on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Mt. Mitchell which is 6800 feet. While we were admiring the scenery the clouds began to gather and it started to rain part way though NM. These clouds were big and nasty looking but only rained with a little lightning, but they sure did look threatening. Then we crossed into Colorado and the hills and scenery changed amazingly fast, high rocky mountains with mostly evergreens, very pretty. We looked to our left and partway up a mountain on a ledge were two very large black bears.. We checked our Good Sam campground book and found Trinidad Lake Campground in a State Park. Virginia who checked us in to our campsite was very helpful and so pleasant to deal with. We have a nice site and met our neighbors the Andrews family David and Karla and their children, Alyse, Kayla, Ethan, Seth, and Abby. What a nice family, a pleasure to be around. The boys made a camp fire and they invited us over for their specialty “campfire cakes” which were absolutely yummy. Special grilling pans to hold buttered bread (top and bottom) with a cherry pie filling, held over the fire until toasty and warm. Now that is a campfire treat! David showed Chriss his telescope and set it up to see Jupiter with its rings and 5 of its moons. The outside temperature at 12:00 midnight is 62 and we were wearing sweaters and sweat pants to keep warm and it is time to call it a day. A nice warm bed sounds very tempting.

Good night to all, love, Mom (Carol) & Chriss

1 comment:

Kayla_Rachelle said...

HEY! Its Kayla. (and btw when you said our names you didn't put the last A on my name. Just saying. :D)

So you guys went up to the sand dunes? Did you guys have fun? Hope you did. :D We just got back and I thought I'd stop and say Hey to our neighbors. Have fun where ever you are! :D Bye.

Kayla Andrews