Sunday, August 31, 2008

Notes From the Mountaintop

Hello again:

Today was an interesting day, we crawled out of our RV cave about noon to a beautiful day. Chriss looked out at the mountain top behind us and said “Lets go”. I looked him in the eye and said “What are you crazy”
but go we did and I am glad I am with that crazy man. We just started up the side of the mountain through the trees and brush, behind the last campsites and directly across from the Dunes. It was a steep climb on small to medium stones and small rocks interspersed with cactus and flowers. We saw deer scat and a small bear poop, and a large foot print I couldn’t identify. That takes care of the ground but it was the scenery that was amazing. We were above the top of the Dunes and could see the mountains behind them. The sun was warm and the breeze cool.
With our binoculars we could see the tops of surrounding mountains with what looked like caves. The birds were flying below us. Through all the trees we could see our motorhome as a little spec down in the campground and in the distance we could see the town of Alamosa and the Rio Grande River that flows through it. We made our lunch (2 sandwiches, a banana and two bottles of water) Once we got done ooh and ahh at the scenery we decided to eat lunch and found the neither Chriss or I had packed the sandwiches just a banana and two water bottles between our two packs. I later found the sandwiches in the refrigerator (we ate them for supper).
Anyone who knows me knows how I love trees. This was a paradise for me.
These were interesting trees. Junipers, some twisted junipers, and other fur trees none more than about 10 feet tall. The dead ones were as pretty and fascinating as the live ones. As the afternoon progressed we watched the weather change and Chriss’s experience as a pilot diagnosing weather problems came in handy. There were black clouds, grey clouds, 3 different rain storms coming down in the distance, increased wind speed and clouds moving in different directions. His diagnosis of the weather was interesting, my solution was :”Let’s get out of here” and that is what we did. We got to within 200 feet or our campsite when we felt the first drops of water on our faces. What lucky hikers we are… Anyway we were back in our camper eating our left at home sandwiches and tomato soup. When there was a knock on the door. It was our neighbor Kendall and her Dad, Don bringing us fresh made somemores. One with strawberry flavored marshmallows, Very Good. We already enjoyed a yellow squash right out of their garden and a piece of blueberry birthday pie from Collin’s birthday. What nice neighbors. Don, Holly, Collin and Kendall.
PS it is still raining hard. So glad we are snug in our camper but just in case you are wondering we do miss riding the motorcycle but not tonight.

More to come tomorrow, Mom (Carol) and Chriss

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